Saturday, March 12, 2011

One week in Asia

We have been in Hong Kong one week now. We have survived one week of work, home, school, and navigating our way around this busy yet beautiful city to find parks, museums, grocery stores, restaurants, church, and more.   

 This is the lovely view we have the privlege of seeing every night.

This is a look at some of the Hong Kong dollars that we use. When we purchase a box of cereal for $48 Hong Kong dollars, we are actually spending about $6 US dollars.

Navigating the snack aisle. Do you see anything that looks familiar? It's a lot more pricey here.
This is what we see on the cereal aisle. I did see a woman use what I think was a coupon. I did sign up for a store rewards card. I thought my TCF couponing buddies would like this.


  1. We just had a lesson on the value of money converting the prices of cereal and cookies - wow, you will want to try to get some coupons for sure.

    Thanks for keeping us informed. We love you guys and pray for you regularly.

    The Pages

  2. So, how much do you think it would cost for us to ship you a case of cereal? Might not save much by that time...but let us know if you have a hankering for something you cant get there.

  3. Please tell me you have found coupons by now...OY!!
